Online conversion of any date since 1792.
A free utility for converting dates between Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew, and French Republic calendars and for doing calculations on dates such as finding time spans or adding and subtracting time spans to dates. The Date Calculator is available for MacOS or Windows. The Date Calculator can work with fuzzy dates (such as just a year and a month) and still do conversions and calculations. Such fuzzy date calculations are useful for genealogists working with less than complete date information.
Genealogy in France: Republican Calendar
Also known as French Revolutionary Calendar, this calendar was in used in France from 1793 to 1805, and 1871 (only in Paris).
Software utility for the Palm that converts dates in the French Republican calendar to the Gregorian calendar.
Rosetta Calendar - A Calendar Conversion Service
Scott Lee's free on-line service for converting to/from dates in Gregorian, Julian, French republican and Jewish calendars.
The French Republican Calendar
History of the French republican calendar and conversions to the Gregorian calendar. Official texts. Great dates. In French and English.
Calendars & Dates » French Republican Calendar
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