1800-1840 Census Comparison Form
A pdf form to print and use to compare results.
For Microsoft Word format.
B&F: Jewish Genealogy and More - US Immigrant Census Form
A form that lets you fill in all the genealogically-significant information on an individual from US censuses between 1880 and 1930. Fields for important information from each year are there, and you can use this information to find out more information about your immigrant ancestors, such as how many children they had and how many were still living (asked of women in 1900 and 1910), when they were married (asked in 1910 and 1930), what year they immigrated (starting in 1900) and what year they naturalized (only in 1920), what language they spoke at home, and more.
Census Tools Electronic Spreadsheets $
The CensusTools Spreadsheet Pack includes census spreadsheets for the US, Canada , England, Ireland, and Scotland as well as state spreadsheets for Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts , Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.
Decennial Census & Agricultural Schedule 2 Forms, KSGenWeb Digital Library Updated
Kansas Decennial Census [1855-1925] Forms in Adobe Acrobat format. Forms for the Agricultural (Farm) Schedule 2's.
Charts & Forms » Census » United States
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