About Genealogical Standards Of Evidence : A Guide For Genealogists
A book by Brenda Dougall Merriman. For sale from Amazon.com.
Centurial - true evidence-based genealogy software
Centurial is true evidence-based genealogy software. It offers the same fun as traditional conclusion-based genealogy software but with that one big difference: it's evidence-based.
Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace
A book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Amazon.com.
Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, Fourth Edition $
A book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, Third Edition Revised
A book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
Evidence! : Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian
A book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Amazon.com.
Evidence! : Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian $
A book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
Evidentia - Give a Voice to Your Sources
Evidentia is genealogy software that leads the researcher to catalogue and analyze the claims made by a source BEFORE linking them to a person. The site offers tutorials, tips, training, and support.
By Christine Rose. For sale from Amazon.com.
Genealogical Standards of Evidence
A book by Brenda Dougall Merriman. For sale from Amazon.com.
Genealogical.com - Methodology $
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
Genealogy books by Carol Baxter
These “how to” books by genealogist and biographer Carol Baxter have received critical acclaim from the genealogical community. They include topics such as how to trace your family history, how to write a family history or biography, how to publish a family history or "how to" book, how to analyse evidence, and more.
Help! Historical and Genealogical Truth: How do I separate fact from fiction?
By Carol Baxter, the History Detective, is a Fellow of the Society of Australian Genealogists and an adjunct lecturer at the University of New England.
Genealogy Standards Second Edition
A book for sale from Amazon.com. Family historians depend upon thousands of people unknown to them. They exchange research with others; copy information from books and databases; and write libraries, societies, and government offices. At times they even hire professionals to do legwork in distant areas and trust strangers to solve important problems. But how can a researcher be assured that he or she is producing or receiving reliable results? This official manual from the Board of Certification for Genealogists provides a standard by which all genealogists can pattern their work.
See how Kinpoint makes it easy to do family history by focusing on what matters to you. Find missing information in your family tree and discover insights into the lives of your ancestors. Use Kinpoint in conjunction with your family tree on FamilySearch to analyze where you need to add records and sources.
A book by Thomas W. Jones. Mastering Genealogical Proof guides readers in acquiring genealogical skills transcending chronological, ethnic, geopolitical, and religious boundaries. The book aims to help researchers, students, and new family historians reconstruct relationships and lives of people they cannot see.
The Memory Keeper is a personal research toolbox used to capture your research, track your progress, and capture conclusions to generate narratives based on evidence. Memory Keeper is a TiddlyWiki, open source solution, that enables users to capture sources, generate source citations, capture evidence from each source, and generate research assertions. Those assertions draw conclusions that can be captured. In the end, you are presenting to the reader conclusions with sound assertions based on evidence from a collection of sources.
Evidence Analysis & Evaluation » Publications, Software & Supplies
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