мои родные: всё для семьи / My Family All For My Family
Russian family tree builder and more.
Ancestry.com - Ancestry Family Trees FREE
Build your own family tree for free as a registered guest.
An Armenian website that let's you build a family tree. It's available languages are English, Russian and Armenian.
Hosts your family tree, pictures, video clips and other related files. Type in names and relationships (or upload a GEDCOM file), add files, and your family site is up and running.
Create your family tree online for free.
Famberry - Family Social Network
Famberry is a private family social network that allows you and your family to collaborate on your beautiful family tree, share photo messages and document your life with a personalised timeline. Use it each day to maintain your most important support system
Free family tree maker.
Brazilian family tree maker.
Easy web-based tool for drawing and sharing family trees. GEDCOM import and export.
Free Family Website. You and your relatives collaborate on your family tree, online! Create logons for as many family members, parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends as you like. They can add relatives to the tree, author biographies, add and update genealogy details, and upload attachments and photos to the genealogy and wedding photo galleries.
Family Pursuit: Collaborative Online Family Tree
Combining true collaboration tools, organized research utilities, a complete revisioning system to roll back and forth changes, and a web-based platform, Family Pursuit brings to life the first fully collaborative genealogy environment.
Family Space - Family Social Network
A Russian family social network that helps you quickly create a family tree of family. The tree editor is intuitive to you and your family. With the editor, you can create a branching tree showing your ancestry in the expanded accessible and visual form.
Free PHP script for displaying family trees on personal websites. Imports GEDCOM files into a MySQL database. Easy to install and to use. Many options and highly customizable, with a powerful template engine. Multi language support. Photos, videos, audio and all other kind of files can be imported.
Build a family tree, share photos, family events and message boards.
family.me is a genealogical social network website platform for building family trees, search historical records and people, and share stories and memories with family.
A general resource site providing UK and US records for genealogists, including census returns, birth marriage and death indexes, military records and parish registers. Records are either fully searchable or browseable for easier and cost effective searching. Social networking features allow members to share and add comments to records.
Family Tree Guide is a quick, simple and free way for you to share your family history. Within minutes, you can have a dynamically driven website that creatively portrays your family tree
Create and research your family tree and family history, 1841-1911 census records, etc.
Use FTAnalyzer to investigate your family tree in new and interesting ways, see where your ancestors lived and moved over time on the new maps feature. Find errors in your tree eg: childrens birthdates before parent was born. See lists of who is missing from census searches then click their name to automatically search on Ancestry, Find My Past, Familysearch etc. And lots more.
GEN-Tree - Бесплатное Генеалогическое древо своl
Gen-tree.ru is an online website from Moscow which is available in Russian language for related families to connect and socialize with each other family relative. Users can privately grow, navigate and share their interactive family trees including the branches connectors.
Family Trees Online » Online Family Trees
58 Links
Social networking for genealogy most often refers to the ability to build, share, and interact with online family trees. However, the breadth or depth of the online tools vary across the board. Some tools also offer other features of social networking such as sharing photos or creating calendars and timelines. The links in this section represent a variety of these types of sites. My thoughts: Social Networking for Genealogy