The Mississippi Writers Page is a multi-faceted Internet Resource about writers in, from, or otherwise associated with the state of Mississippi. This includes a collection of articles on each author detailing biographical information, a comprehensive list of published titles, various awards and honors, and a selected bibliography of additional resources. Other features include lists of recently published books by Mississippi writers, news and events, information about literary landmarks in Mississipi, a chronology of literary events in the state, magazines and journals published in Mississippi, and information about publishing companies in the state.
[The original link is gone. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Andy Warhol's Religious and Ethnic Roots: The Carpatho-Rusyn Influence on His Art
A book by Raymond M. Herbenick.
BURNESS Genealogy and Family History - Robert BURNS Family History
Ancestors & descendants of Robert Burns.
FamousKin.com - Ancestry of Mark TWAIN
a.k.a. Samuel Langhorne CLEMENS.
Genealogical reports related to the infamous US publisher Emanuel Haldeman-Julius and his wife, Marcet. Data also includes such notable individuals as Noble Peace Prize winner Jane Addams and Senator John H. Addams.
Jonathan Swift- Fragment of Autobiography
Fragment Of Autobiography (1667-1699) from The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Anecdotes Of The Family Of Swift.
Genealogy of the famous children's book illustrator.
A site for his poetry, includes a brief history of his life and ancestors.
Index of artists based on the signatures they used to sign their work.
Wedgwood Circle, 1730-1897: Four Generations of a Family and Their Friends
A book by Barbara Wedgwood.
This site includes the civil war work of Winslow Homer, with over 50 examples of his work. It also includes his post-was seascape work, a biography, and a time line. Winslow Homer was the 19th century's most popular artist.
Famous People » Artists & Authors
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