Epistolae: Medieval Women's Letters
Epistolae is a collection of letters to and from women dating from the 4th to the 13th century AD. These letters from the Middle Ages, written in Latin, are presented with English translations and are organized by the women participating. Biographical sketches of the women and descriptions of the subject matter or the historic context of the letter is included where available.
Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors
Details, including full index by surname, for new edition of Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors. First published in 1679, this book gives details of land tenure (who owned what pieces of land) in England and Wales, from Middle Ages onwards.
The Taxatio | Manuscripts Online
Searchable online database contains the valuation, plus related details, of the English and Welsh parish churches and prebends listed in the ecclesiastical taxation assessment of 1291-2.
Medieval » Records: Census, Cemeteries, Land, Obituaries, Personal, Taxes and Vital
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