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Milford 375th Anniversary | Milford, CT
Milford, CT's Founding Families Day will be held on 19 July 2014 as part of its 375th Anniversary Celebration. This is for all descendants of the original Planters and After-Planters (those who came between 1639 and 1700). Contact Richard N. Platt, Jr. at [email protected] for more information.
The Island Register's Reunions and Events Page
Reunion announcements for the descendants of Prince Edward Island Families.
Whitehall Cemetery Multi-Family Reunion of Northwest Louisiana
Annual potluck reunion for all who are related to those buried in the Whitehall Cemetery. Always the 2nd Saturday of May, directly after the cemetery meeting at 11:00, which everyone is also encouraged to attend. Some surnames are: BENEFIELD, COCKRELL, DeLOACH, ELKINS, GOREE, HEARN, HEFLIN, JOHNSTON, KIGHT, LEE, LEWIS, MARTIN, PARKER, ROBINSON, SHAW, SLACK, THOMAS, TINSLEY, WORLEY, WRIGHT.
Reunions » Locality Specific
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