Genealogical.com - German Immigrant Servant Contracts
A book by Farley Grubb.
John Spencer Bassett, 1867-1928 Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina.
From Documenting the American South.
Price & Associates: Immigrant Servants Database
The Immigrant Servants Database is a project designed to help Americans trace the European origins of their colonial ancestors. It is predicted that over 100,000 immigrant servants (indentured servants, convict servants, and redemptioners) will be identified.
Runaway Servants, Convicts, and Apprentices : Advertised in the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728-1796
A book by Farley Grubb.
Servants Transported in 1674 on the ship Batchelor of Bristoll, Samuell Gibbons, master
Somerset County, Maryland.
The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis
By David W. Galenson for The Journal of Economic History.
Van Diemens Land Company's Indentured Servants Home Page
Servants engaged to establish a land grant in Tasmania from 1826. Departure and arrival dates of the ships Tranmere, Caroline, Thomas Lawrie, Emu, Forth and others, and passenger list of those aboard.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
This database of indenture contracts includes over 10,000 indentured servants contracts from four different registers. The contracts indicate not only the servant's name and length of indenture, but also the name of the servant's parents and owner, his home province and city, occupation, destination, and ship of embarkation. These records provide a detailed composition of indentured servants in the 17th century Atlantic World. Bristol, 1654 - 1686, Middlesex, 1682 - 1685, London I, 1682 - 1692, London II, 1718 - 1759.
Virtual Jamestown - York Freedom Suits (1685-1715)
York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14, York County, Virginia.
Virtual Jamestown - York Indentures (1684-1730)
Indentures Books 7-10 and 12-17, York County, Virginia.
Virtual Jamestown - York Labor Complaints (1685-1712)
York Labor Complaints book 7-9 and 12-14, York County, Virginia.
Virtual Jamestown - York Runaways (1645-1734)
York Runaways Book 2-18, York County, Virginia.
Virtual Jamestown - York Trade in Servants (1688-1707)
York Trade in Servants Book 8, 13, York County, Virginia.
Servitude: Indentures, Serfs, Apprentices, etc. » Indentured Servants
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