Search over 200 million names and addresses from the 2002 to 2007 official UK Electoral Registers. Powerful search options and integration with Directory Enquiries.
Ancestry.com - Search Schools, Directories & Church Histories
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription.
England and Wales, Law List, 1843
Original source: Cockell, Teesdale. The Law List; Being a List of the Judges and Officers of the Different Courts of Justice: Counsel, with the Dates of Their Call and Inns of Court; Special Pleaders, Conveyancers; and a Complete and Accurate List of Certificated Attornies, Notaries, and c. in England and Wales, with the London Agents to the Country Attornies, as Printed by Permission of the Commissioners of the Stamp Duties. London, England: V. and R. Stevens and G. S. Norton, 1843.
Original source: Boyle's Court and Country Guide, and Town Visiting Directory Corrected up to the 1st of April, 1811, Containing An Alphabetical Arrangement of the Names and Places of Abode, in Town and Country, of All the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fashion, to Which are Added, the Inns of Court, &c.
U.K. and U.S. Directories, 1680-1830
Original source: Avero Publications. Biography Database, 1680-1830. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England: Avero Publications, 1998.
Historical Directories of England & Wales
A collection of digitised trade directories, part of the University of Leicester's Special Collections Online, covering England and Wales from the 1760s to the 1910s.
Historical Directories of England & Wales - University of Leicester
The collection contains 689 directories, with at least one directory for every English and Welsh county for the 1850s, 1890s and 1910s. Searchable by name, place and occupation this is an essential tool for local, urban and family history. You can find Kelly's and Pigot's directories here, as well as those by regional publishers.
United Kingdom & Ireland » England » Directories
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