A List of Civil War Round Table Websites
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
American Civil War Association
A California Reenactment Organization.
Ann Arbor Civil War Roundtable
Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites
APCWS acts to preserve and protect these hallowed grounds by directly purchasing the property or negotiating protective easements.
Association to Commemorate the Chinese Serving in the American Civil War
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
ASUVCW Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Assist the Sons of Union Veterans in keeping alive the memories of our ancestors and their sacrifices for the maintenance of the Union; to aid in caring for helpless and disabled Veterans; to properly observe Memorial Day.
Battle of Nashville Preservation Society and Civil War Roundtable, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee.
Blue Ridge Living History Society
Dedicated to the education of the public and the preservation of the memory of the 37th Regiment NC Troops; the 58th Regiment NC Troops; the 11th Battalion NC Home Guard; the 4th Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry (US); and mid-19th century civilians from the High Country area.
Camp Curtin Historical Society and Civil War Roundtable
Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
Capital District Civil War Round Table
Albany, New York.
Sons of Confederate Veterans. Site contains a list of Confederate Veterans from Chesterfield County, Virginia that served in the Civil War.
The Children of the Confederacy is an organization of young people from infancy through the General Convention after their eighteenth birthday who are descendants of men or women who honorably served the Confederate States of America in the Army, Navy or Civil capacity.
Civil War Artifact Preservation Association
This is a not-for-profit group whose mission is the recovery, preservation, documentation and to make available for public display historical artifacts found in local areas.
Civil War Plymouth Pilgrims Descendants Society
For the descendants of the Union Soldiers and Sailors engaged and captured at the Battle of Plymouth, NC, April 17-20th, 1864 who became known as the Plymouth Pilgrims.
New York Department, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865
The only national lineage society for female direct descendants of Union veterans of the Civil War. This site is for the NY Department, but residency in the state is not a requirement for admission. Tips on Civil War research and links to NY repositories.
United States » U.S. Military: Civil War » Societies & Groups
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