First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville - Graveyard
Contains an alphabetical list of those buried in the historic graveyard at First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville, Tennessee. The list includes tombstone inscriptions, some photos, and links to the Congressional Biographies of the three members of Congress buried in the cemetery. This is the oldest cemetery in Knoxville, and it contains the graves of many Tennessee pioneers.
Knox County Funeral Home Records Database Search Form
Two of Knoxville, Tennessee's earliest funeral homes were Hall & Donahue and Carl Roberts'. Sadly, the first records for those businesses were lost. Robert McGinnis has been attempting to recreate the lists of deceased individuals handled by Hall & Donahue and Roberts' through a review of death certificates. This database contains an index to the records he has transcribed thus far. As time permits, more entries will be added, with the goal of having every burial by those two funeral homes included in this database. Database currently contains 3,006 records. Period of Hall & Donahue records in the database: 1914-1919. Period of Roberts' records in the database: 1914-1919.
Old Gray Cemetery National Register of Historic Places
Founded in 1850 it is located in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee.
USGS GNIS Search Results: List of Cemetery Locations in the County (Peabody GNIS Interface)
From the USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).
United States » Tennessee » Counties » Knox » Cemeteries & Funerals
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