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- - Kitchener, Ontario German War Graves
Burial listing of German prisoners of war who died while in Canada during either the First or Second World War. Original Original source: Anonymous.
- - Ottawa, Canada, Beechwood Cemetery Registers, 1873-1990
Original source: Beechwood Cemetery Internments, 1873
- - Riverside Cemetery Index, New Hambug, Ontario
Listing of over 2300 persons interred in the Riverside Cemetery in New Hamburgh, Ontario. Original source: Anonymous.
- - Waterloo County, Ontario, Cemetery Inscriptions
Collection of cemetery records from western part of Waterloo county. Original source: Baron, Maryln.
- - Woodland Cemetery Records, Kitchener, Ontario
Original source: Taken from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and Cemetery Memorial headstones.
Bayview Cemetery, Crematory & Mausoleum
Bayview Cemetery, Crematory & Mausoleum has records dating back to 1927, Bayview is truly one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Canada, located in Burlington, Ontario.
Canadian Funerals Online - Ontario
Canadian Funeral Guide & Comprehensive Funeral Homes Directory.
CanadianHeadstones - A Volunteer Operated Canadian Charity
The mission of this project is to capture digital images of headstones of our ancestors. As decades pass -- many stones are becoming harder, if not impossible, to read the inscriptions they originally contained. This Headstone Photo Project is a privately sponsored, non-profit, educational site. Success of the project depends completely upon the activities of many volunteers and other individuals who contribute photographs to the archive. You may submit the transcription from a headstone without having a photo. You can also submit the photo of a cemetery entrance/sign.
Cemetery Headstone Photos - Cemetery Photo Album of St. Peter's Cemetery London ON.
Headstone photos from St Peter's Cemetery in London, Ontario, Canada.
Cemetery Records for Welland and Lincoln Counties
Cemetery listings by surname, with reference and Soundex.
Digitized Cemeteries for Durham Region. Durham is a east of Toronto, Ontario.
Alton, Peel Regional Municipality, Ontario, Canada.
Findmypast - Ontario, Canada- Burial Records of Rev. John Langhorn.(Church of England) of Fredericksburgh, 1787-1813
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Findmypast - Ontario, Canada- Early Records of Burials In St. Mark's and St. Andrew's Churches
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Findmypast - Ontario, Canada- Inscriptions & Graves In The Niagara Peninsula
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.