Ancestry.com - Search Birth, Marriage, & Death Records
Includes burial records in this collection. Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription.
Macon County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1-11
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Macon County, Missouri . Vol. I-XI. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1963.
Marion County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1-2
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Marion County, Missouri. Vol. I-II. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1963.
Mason County, Kentucky, Cemetery Records, Volume I
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records Mason County, Kentucky. Vol. I. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Massachusetts: Middlesex County, Cambridge, Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Original source: Information extracted from the cemetery headstones at Massachusetts: Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
Miller County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Miller County, Missouri. Vol. I. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1963.
Minnesota Cemetery Inscription Index, Select Counties
An index of cemeteries in Blue Earth, Carver, Dakota, Dodge, Goodhue, Hennepin, Le Sueur, McLeod, Olmsted, Rice, Scott, Sibley, Steele, and Waseca counties and also in the cities of St. Paul and Winnebago Minnesota; and Beloit, Illinois.
Missoula and Ravalli County, Montana Cemeteries
Original source: Sewell, Patricia, trans. and comp. 2000. Tombstone transcriptions and compiled cemetery records for Victor and St. Joseph cemeteries in Ravalli County and for Florence Carlton Cemetery in Missoula.
Montgomery County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1-2
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Montgomery County, Missouri. Vol. I-II. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1963.
Monuments funeraires choisis dans les cimeti
Original source: L. Normand. Monuments funeraires choisis dans les cimeti
Monuments funeraires choisis dans les cimeti
Original source: L. Normand. Monuments funeraires choisis dans les cimeti
Morris County, New Jersey Cemetery Inscriptions
Original source: William O. Wheeler. Inscriptions on the Tomb Stones and Monuments in the Grave Yards at Whippany and Hanover, Morris County, N. J., 1894. New Jersey, USA: W. O. Wheeler, 1894.
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Machpelah Cemetery in Lexington, Missouri Lafayette County, MO with photos and directions
CD for sale. Machpelah Cemetery in Lexington, Missouri is the largest and one of the oldest cemeteries in Lafayette County, Missouri. The cemetery includes the final resting place of numerous pioneers and prominent citizens. Notable familes include the AULL, LIMERICK, RUPE, WADDELL, and WENTWORTH familes. The cemetery also includes the mass grave of numerous Mormons killed by the explosion of the steambeat Saluda. Web page includes history, photos, and directions to the cemetery.
Macomb County Funeral Home Records Master Index
From the Mount Clemens Public Library Local History and Genealogy Databases, Michigan.
Madison County Cemetery Map - Kentucky
Google Map highlighting the location of cemeteries in the county.
Madison, GA's Historic Cemeteries
Loading obituaries every day for 4,000+ burials in Madison, Georgia.
This is the website of Madison, Georgia's Cemetery Stewardship Commission, where we are continually adding the names and obituaries of the thousands buried in our four historic contiguous City cemeteries. See our walking tour brochure, the list of hundreds of military veterans, history, interesting facts, maps, and biographies of monument artisans.
Fort Lee, New Jersey. Burial grounds for over 170 years.
Madronia Cemetery Graveyard Rabbit
Found in Saratoga, California. This blog is a member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
Albany, Missouri.
Maine Old Cemetery Association - Maine Inscription Project [MIP]
The MIP* cemetery transcripts were compile over a period of several decades by member volunteers. They include inscription data from grave markers in literally THOUSANDS of cemeteries.
Mammoth Cave National Park, in Kentucky, is home to many beautiful cemeteries.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Manawatu District Council - Cemetery Search
New Zealand. Online searchable database.
Manjimup Cemetery and Historical Records
Burial records for the Manjimup, West Australia, district. Photos of headstones are available on request.
Maple Grove Cemetery - Wichita, Kansas
Information regarding Wichita's earliest cemeteries.
Maple Grove Cemetery | City of Findlay, OH
Maple Grove Cemetery located in Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio. Includes a searchable database and map.
Busselton, Western Australia.
500 Washington Ave., Marietta, Georgia. Here rest the remains of 10,172 officers and soldiers who died in defense of the Union, 1861 to 1865. Photos of headstones at the graves.
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