Marissa Public Library District
The Maritime History Archive collects and preserves documents relating to the history of maritime activities in Newfoundland and Labrador and throughout the North Atlantic world. Website contains a searchable index to crew lists of British registered vessels, 1857 - 1942.
Researching genealogy and family history
Of particular interest, the Archive is the depository of the the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, Agreements and Account of Crew, 1863-1938, 1951-1976. Agreements and account of crew of British Empire vessels, containing the names of officers and seamen; their date and place of birth; the date and place of joining and leaving the vessel; the previous vessel; wages, rank and reason for leaving the vessel; ports of call and a description of the vessel.
New York.
Marlin, Texas
Marquette Michigan Regional History Museum
The Marquette County History Museum is the oldest Historical Society in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Museum features a collection that includes artifacts from the prehistoric copper culture through contemporary times.
Marquette University - Special Collections and University Archives
The mission of the Department of Special Collections and University Archives is to collect, arrange, describe, preserve, and service records of enduring historical value for research, instructional, and administrative use. The archival and manuscript collecting program of the department is an extension of the spiritual, philosophical, and scholarly strengths of the university as a Christian, Catholic, and Jesuit institution.
Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries Special Collections & University Archives
Special Collections and University Archives (SPARC) has mounted 21 digital collections, featuring more than 60,000 items in digital form. Included are Catholic Native American Collections, Political Collections, University History Collections, and "I'll Tell You a Story: Memories of Pre-Holocaust Europe." Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Lists archival holdings in 12 Midwest states, which document Native American heritage and relationships with the Catholic Church. Institutional chronologies are included, which note events pertinent to the creation and disposition of the records. This revised guide was published in 1984 as Guide to Catholic Indian Mission and School Records in Midwest Repositories.
Dublin, Ireland.
Marshall County Public Library System
Benton, Kentucky.
Deming, New Mexico.
Martin County Library in Fairmont
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