New York.
Preble County District Library
Eaton, Ohio.
Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County, Ohio - Database 1
The Preble County Genealogical Society and Historical Records database continues to be updated. It contains marriage and obituary information from county records and the Sugar Grove Cemetery Records of the Twin Township Trustees. Please notice there are two Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County databases listed. Database 1 is the original with 59,504 records. All new records are being added to the second database. Database 2 has over 23,000 records with new ones added monthly.
Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County, Ohio - Database 2
Funeral & Cemetery Indexes, Marriage Records, Military Records, Ohio Historic Inventory, Preble County Deaths, Tax Lists, and Vital Records. Please notice there are two Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County databases listed. Database 1 is the original with 59,504 records. All new records are being added to the second database. Database 2 has over 23,000 records with new ones added monthly.
Local History and Genealogy Resources - Preble County Room
The Preble County Room is working on a digital project called the Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County, Ohio, which will involve indexing and scanning county records. Currently the database includes both an index and scanned image reproductions of Preble County Marriage Records and Obituaries.
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand - Presbyterian Research Centre
Links & helpful suggestions & guidelines for genealogists searching for New Zealand Presbyterian Church records.
South Carolina.
Presbyterian Heritage Center at Montreat - Presbyterian History
A research library & archive of Presbyterian History in America and of Montreat, NC, including historic info on and lists of individuals.
Presbyterian Historical Society - The National Archives of the PC(USA)
Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Presbyterian Historical Society's collections include archival records, published materials, and artifacts documenting the history of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition in America. Includes a searchable online catalog.
Rogers City, Michigan.
Located in the D.B. Weldon Library at the University of Western Ontario, London ON, Canada.
Priestley Forsyth Memorial Library
Northumberland, Pennsylvania.
Primitive Baptist Church Library
Carthage, Illinois.
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada.
Prince George's County Memorial Library System
Hyattsville, Maryland.
Cumberland, Maine.
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Prince William Public Library System
Prince William County, Virginia.
The Ruth E. Lloyd Information Center (RELIC) is a special collection, founded in 1971, devoted to genealogy and local history with a focus on Virginia and Prince William County.
Princeton Family History Center
New Jersey.
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