Article about the Nederlandse Voornamen Bank (Dutch Given Names Database), with information on more than half a million Dutch given names. By Tamura Jones, Modern Software Experience.
Comprehensive site on given names in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Origin and Meaning of Molokan Surnames
This glossary contains roots and meanings of over 250 Russian Molokan surnames in America.
Guide as to how Roman names were derived.
Russian names: girls, boys, last names. Popular Russian names, Jewish Russian and Soviet names.
From the Medieval Names Archive.
First names with Scottish roots.
From the Manx National Heritage Library and Archives.
Surname Studies (formerly Modern British Surnames)
Surname Studies is devoted to the resources available for the study of the distribution, incidence and statistical analysis of the surnames of Britain, mainly post-1837, and primarily as a mass phenomenon.
Surnames in Italy / L'Italia dei cognomi
By entering a surname and pressing the red arrow, a distribution map of Italy is generated showing the concentrations of that particular surname in Italy.
The 'Muls' and 'Gils': Some Irish Surnames
An examination of the origin and meaning of Irish surnames beginning with the prefixes 'Mul' and 'Gil', amongst other names.
A list of some Irish baptismal names, with origins or meanings, and a guide to pronunciation.
Those Norwegian Names, a Little History and Tips for Online Researchers
Did you meet the brick wall while researching your Norwegian ancestors online? This article might give some new clues.
Names » Locality & Ethnic Specific
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