Hollandroots is a genealogical research company based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Luminis Recherche - Locating Missing Heirs, Proving Heirship, Probate Research
Luminis is a private law practice based in Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, close to Amsterdam, Leiden and The Hague. Luminis specializes in: International Forensic Genealogical Research; Proving Heirship & International Probate Research; Proving and Locating Missing Heirs, Unknown Heirs or Next of Kin.
Marie Cappart - Professional Research in Belgium, Luxembourg, France and The Netherlands
Anglo-belgian based researching in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Luxembourg. Lectures, conferences and courses. Translations and transcriptions. Tours and personalised visits as well as online and onsite coaching.
Netherlands Family History Research
Research carried out in the Netherlands to help you obtain information on your Dutch ancestors.
Genealogical research service in the Netherlands.
PhilGene Pays-Bas has been founded by Robert Philippo in 1980 and is specialized in genealogy, genetics and history, especially in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.
Sandra & Edwin Genealogy Research
Are you looking to find more information on the ancestor that 'came from Holland'? We have extensive in house resources for Terneuzen and area, as well as Zeeuws-Vlaanderen and The Netherlands. We also are well experienced with ancestors from Drenthe and Scheveningen/South Holland. Because of our many emmigrant ancestors/family members, we have also ammassed many resources outside The Netherlands.
Six Puffins - Find your Dutch Ancestors
Skilled Dutch genealogist to investigate your Dutch ancestors.
Laat uw stamboom uitzoeken of volgt een introductiecursus om zelf direct aan de slag te gaan. Professional genealogical research in the Netherlands.
Honest and transparent genealogical research for the Netherlands, Belgium and some German regions. We have more than 30 years experience researching in these areas.
Tracing Your Netherlands Ancestors
Professional genealogist in the Netherlands will gladly assist you in bringing your family history to life.
Professional researcher in the Netherlands.
We call it genealogical translation, but it's so much more meaningful than that. Unlock Your History specializes in Germanic languages (German, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, even English from earlier centuries) to help families translate and understand the context of their enigmatic documents.
Netherlands / Nederland » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
33 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers