Texas. Specializing in records for north and east Texas, as well as using computers in your genealogical research.
Military, family and medal entitlement and service research for all periods. Research carried out at the National Archives.
Military, family and medal entitlement and service research for all periods, for service personel who fought or served in the armed forces (Victorian period to date). Research carried out at the National Archives in the U.K.
Polish Genealogical Research - family & probate research, assistance for people who apply for Polish citizenship.
Polish Ancestry Discover Your Polish Roots
Genealogy research, historical research, translation, travel, photography.
Polish Genealogical Research - PolGen Research
We are a professional firm that is conducting genealogical research throughout Poland. Our services include finding ancestors, heirs, properties and living relatives. The high standard of our professionalism guarantees the satisfaction of our clients. PolGen Research ul. Broniewskiego 47/8, 01-716 Warsaw Poland.
Polish Genealogical Translations
Native Polish translator/interpreter will assist you in finding your Polish roots by translating your Polish genealogical records. Twenty years of experience.
Warszawa, Poland. Professional genealogical research in the Polish Archives.
PolishExpress, Inc. Family History Research Service in Polish Archives
Devoted to finding, copying, and translating family history documents from Polish and Ukrainian archives.
A professional, friendly and dedicated research company specialising in family tree packages and genealogy. In addition to this we also provide a research service at the National Archives and other local archives. Based in London we cover research in most parts of the UK.
Portuguese Genealogy - Professional Services
Professional researcher specializing in Azorean genealogy and Portuguese translation.
American genealogist living in Portugal, specializing in Madeira Island and continental Portugal research.
Wexford, Pennsylvania.
Prairie Genealogy is owned and operated by Gary L. Ball-Kilbourne, a professional genealogist residing in Fargo, North Dakota.
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
The blog for Price & Associates.
Prince or Pauper - Family History Research
Genealogy business based in central Scotland.
Private Guide and Genealogy Research Services in Cracow, Auschwitz and Poland
We specialize in Jewish guiding and genealogy services in Poland but we also work in other fields like Christian genealogy in Poland and regular private, expert-guided tours to most popular travel destinations around Cracow and Central Europe. We have special academically designed travel itineraries to Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, Cracow, Kazimierz, Wieliczka Salt Mine and the majority of Jewish heritage and Holocaust-related sites in Poland. We guide our tours and lead genealogical research mainly in Poland and former Galicia territory (nowadays partly in Ukraine). Our guiding and genealogy research services also cover the territories of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Ukraine and other countries of Central Europe. We have a broad range of experts in tourism, research and education in Central Europe to be able to customize your tour and provide an unforgettable and enlightening travel opportunity.
Pro Heraldica - Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft für Heraldik und Genealogie mbH
German firm for heraldic and genealogical research.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - P
100 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers