kirchbau.de - das Portal zum Kirchenbau, Sakralarchitektur, Kirchenp
A German portal for church information. An easy to use site (only in German) which allows you to enter the name of the village and quickly learn the history of the church there, along with helpful contact information for the parish.
Konferencja Episkopatu Polski / Polish Episcopal Conference
List and links for 45 Dioceses and 10357 Parish churches. Languages: Polish, English, Italian.
Lancashire, England. The architecture and history of the churches of Lancashire in words and photographs.
Leicestershire & Rutland Churches
A companion web site of [email protected]. This site is dedicated to the community of people researching Dr. Robert Reid Kalley's religious exiles from Madeira who settled primarily in Illinois, Trinidad, Antigua, St Kitts, Jamaica, and Demerara (British Guyana). The goal of this community is to share, collaborate, and preserve any/all related historical, genealogical, and cultural information and sources.
Research notes with contact information.
My Ancestor was an Anglican Clergyman
Book for sale, by Peter Towey. 86 pages. ISBN 978-1-903462-90-4.
New York City Genealogy: Protestant Episcopal Church Record
Works Projects Administration (W.P.A.), Historical Records Survey, inventory of Protestant Episcopal Church Records for Bronx, New York & Richmond Counties.
New York City Genealogy: Reformed Church Records
Works Projects Administration (W.P.A.), Historical Records Survey, inventory of Reformed Church of America (Dutch Reformed Church) Records for New York City.
North Oxfordshire Church Photographs
Including some from Warwickshire and Northamptonshire.
Northamptonshire Nonconformists
Detials of nonconformists or Dissenters in Northamptonshire, England. Includes a directory of chapels of Baptist, Independent & Methodist.
Nottinghamshire Church Photographs
Wilmington, Delaware. Old Swedes Church, built in 1698, is the oldest church in America still standing as originally built and open for services. Churchyard dates to 1638. Hendrickson House Museum is a 1690 Swedish farmhouse and a small Swedish gift shop.
PGSA - Jubilee Book Index Search
Jubilee books from various churches have been indexed and can be searched online.
Protestant Nonconformity In Scotland - An Introduction
Article by Sherry Irvine.
Religion & Churches » Locality Specific
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