Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
People who arrived in Virginia before 1616, remained for a period of three years, paid their passage, and survived the massacre of 1622.
Descendants of settlers of southern New Hampshire and Maine.
Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
Descendants of the Founders of Hartford - any person who can prove that he or she is descended from someone who settled in Hartford before February 1640, as shown in the Book of Distribution of Land.
Society of the Descendants of the Schwenkfeldian Exiles
The preservation of the history of the Schwenkfeldian religious exiles and their descendants in America.
Sons and Daughters of the First Settlers of Newbury Massachusetts
Founded in 1927 by Anne Colman Moody, The Sons and Daughters of the First Settlers of Newbury is a genealogical society intent on the preservation of the history of Old Newbury and the pioneer families that created our Yankee community.
Sons and Daughters of the United States Middle Passage (SDUSMP)
A lineage society that is a non-profit, charitable 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the memory, education, and historic preservation of the artifacts and landmarks of slavery in the United States and its economic, psychological, and cultural impact on today's society.
Membership in the National Society of The Sons of Utah Pioneers is open to men everywhere who subscribe to the ideals and values of the early Utah Pioneers. All are invited, who desire to learn more about these noble forebearers and who wish to promote their memory and legacy. To join SUP it is NOT NECESSARY to have Pioneer ancestry.
The 1889ers Society was founded in 1905 by people who made The Oklahoma Land Run of 1889 which opened the Oklahoma Territory for settlement. It is continued by our descendants and friends. Descendant Members of The 1889ers Society are direct lineal descendants of the pioneers who made the great Oklahoma Land Run of 1889 as well as those interested in Oklahoma history.
The Dutch Settlers Society of Albany
Founded in 1924, the Dutch Settlers Society of Albany strives to perpetuate the memory of the individuals who settled in the greater Albany area during the Dutch colonial period of 1624 - 1664. The Society is charged with collecting and preserving information pertaining to the early history of Albany (Fort Orange, later Beverwijck) including genealogical records of the settlers and their descendants.
The Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin
Beginning in 1700, King William granted land to Huguenots, west of what is now Richmond, Virginia. It was the only colony intended to be exclusively for French Protestants. This is a society of the descendants of about 250 families there.
The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York
The Society was founded in 1835 by a group of prominent New York City gentlemen, including Washington Irving, as a membership organization the purpose of which is to preserve knowledge of the history and customs of New York City's Dutch forebears. It is one of the oldest societies in the United States. Membership is by invitation only and limited to those men who can demonstrate descent from a resident of New York State before 1785. By virtue of its membership requirements, many members are descended from the city's first settlers, who included several nationalities and faiths as well as Dutch people and descendants of Native Americans.
The Society of Middletown First Settlers Descendants
Middletown, Connecticut.
The Society of The Ark and The Dove
The Society of The Ark and The Dove was founded in 1910 to perpetuate the memory of the first families of Maryland and to provide opportunities for fellowship for all those who trace their descent from Lord Baltimore and from those who came on the Ark and the Dove in 1634 to settle the proprietary province of Maryland.
The Sons & Daughters of the Province and Republic of West Florida 1763 - 1810
The objectives and purpose of this organization is to perpetuate the memory of the character, deeds and heroism of the inhabitants of The Province & Republic of West Florida prior to December 07, 1810.
The Sons of the Republic of Texas
The purpose of the SRT shall be to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved the independence of Texas, set the young Republic upon its high course among the nations of the world, and finally secured its admission as a state of the United States of America.
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