Association Généalogique du Pays de Bray
Normandie & Picardie, Généalogie en Seine-Maritime & Oise
Association of Amateur Heralds
Voluntary association of heraldists dedicated to research and the design of new arms.
Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives / Association des Cartotheques et Archives
ACMLA actively serves as the representative professional group for Canadian map librarians, cartographic archivists and others interested in geographic information in all formats. The site includes a page with books about Canadian maps.
Association of Family History Societies of Wales
Its aims and functions, and details of its member Societies, with links to their respective sites. Of interest to genealogists and family historians in Wales and world-wide.
Association of Genealogists & Researchers in Archives
The Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives (AGRA) is the professional organisation promoting high professional standards in the field of genealogy and historical research in England and Wales. AGRA is also prominent as a representative voice in matters relating to genealogy. All Members and Associates agree to abide by a stringent Code of Practice.
Association of Personal Historians
An international organization of skilled professionals passionate about preserving life stories.
Association of Personal Historians - Helping You Record Your Life Stories and Memories
Tips for capturing family memories and interviewing elders. Lists of upcoming conferences and workshops to enhance interviewing and other skills. Membership roster lists oral and personal historians by state.
Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)
The Association of Professional Genealogists, established in 1979, is an international organization that supports professionals in genealogy-related businesses. APG encourages genealogical excellence, ethical practice, mentoring and education. The organization also supports the preservation and accessibility of records useful to the fields of genealogy and history. Members of APG agree to abide by a code of ethics in their profession.
Association of St. Louis Area Archivists
Belarus, nobility, Grand Duchy of Lithuanian, genealogy of Belarus, heraldry of Belarus, history of Belarus, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Association Parisienne de Généalogie Normande
Cette association a pour but l'étude, la promotion et le développement de la généalogie en Normandie et des disciplines s'y rapportant. Elle réunit les adhérents des 5 départements normands, Calvados, Eure, Manche, Orne et Seine-Maritime et résidants principalement en région parisienne.
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