Absolutely Family! - A Guide to Editing and Publishing a Family Newsletter
A book by Jeanne Rundquist Nelson.
Acadian/French-Canadian SURNAME Researchers
From the Acadian Genealogy Homepage.
Find out about Clans dealing with your Irish Surname.
Ancestor Guide: Genealogy and Surname Search
Simply browse through the listing of over 47,000 surname categories or find it fast with our surname search engine.
From the U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Includes a list of reasons for name changes and links to stories about how names were changed.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Dead Fred - Free genealogy family history photo search by surname
A searchable database with thousands of identified photos and mystery photos.
Directory for Family Associations and Family Organizations
More than 500 listings for websites of family associations and family organizations.
English Surnames: Their Sources and Significations
English last name meanings from the 1875 book by Charles Wareing Bardsley. Completely free.
Definitions & world-wide naming customs from Wikpedia.
Perk up your family newsletter by learning from other family newsletter publishers' experiences and ideas. This newsletter, for and about family newsletters (and their publishers) was established to encourage family connections through the family newsletter. It is for genealogists, family historians, and folks who want to keep their families in touch. Includes publishing pointers and highlight actual family newsletters as examples.
Family Newsletter Registry and Surname Search
A searchable database of family newsletters and the surnames associated with them from around the world.
List of genealogy newsletters available for specific surnames.
Surnames, Family Associations & Family Newsletters » General Surname Sites » General Resources
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