A portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals.... - both digital and non-digital) of the 45 national libraries of Europe. It offers free searching and delivers digital objects - some free, some for a fee.
The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn - Library & Archives
Library & archive of one of the four historic Inns Of Court. A private library available to researchers by appointment. The library is happy to answer genealogical & other enquiries from the public about past members of the Inn, as long as they are made in writing. Membership lists exist from 1521 & call records from 1650. Up to 1889 these records have also been conveniently printed. The surviving records of Barnard's Inn & Staple's Inn are also held.
The Latest News on the 1901 Census
Updated accessiblity information for the 1901 census online from the Federation of Family History Societies.
The primary public access point for readers and researchers seeking to use the vast European collections of the Library of Congress.
Kew, Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom.
Discovery - Explore the catalogue
Descriptions of more than 10 million records held by The National Archives of England, Wales and the United Kingdom. The visitor may either search or browse through the descriptions. Images of the documents are not available. Visitors can request copies online and can also place advance orders for the day of their visit.
This is an alphabetical list of the topical Research Guides. The guides help you find what you need in the catalogue, so this should be the first thing you consult.
Research Guides - Online Collections
Searching the index is free. There is a small fee to download a digital image of a document.
A wiki designed for you to contribute your knowledge of archival sources held by The National Archives and by other archives throughout the UK.
Holds the records of the British Post Office from the seventeenth century to the present day.
Pensions and Gratuities records, Appointment records and Establishment books are the prime sources for family history research at our archives. The BPMA holds many other useful sources which can help paint a fuller picture of your ancestor's life.
The Royal Bank of Scotland: Our Heritage
United Kingdom.
Portsmouth, England.
Trades Union Congress Library Collection
From the London Metropolitan University.
UK Parliament - Parliamentary Archives
The archive service for both Houses of Parliament and facilitates public access to several million records which are preserved in the Victoria Tower repository. The records include original Acts of Parliament from 1497, Journals from 1510, papers laid before Parliament from 1531, Peerage papers from 1597, Judicial papers from 1621, and plans of canals, roads, railways and other public works deposited in connection with private bills from 1794. Amongst the comparatively few records of genealogical interest are the Protestation returns of 1642 and certain Papist returns.
United Kingdom & Ireland » U.K. General » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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