IUSM Medical Library :: Nineteenth Century Indiana Physicians Database
From the Indiana University School of Medicine. The database is of 19th century physicians and midwives by self-declaration in census or to an organized medical society identified themselves as physicians or midwives. The inclusion in this list in no way is a comment on the competency or training of a person. Information has been gathered from Indiana Census roles of 1850, 1860, and 1870. Some state records from 1880 have been entered. Also extensively used were lists of physicians made for the Indiana State Board of Public Health. County histories and other local histories have been used. Obituaries in medical journals were also used and well as other miscellaneous sources.The cutoff date for inclusion is licensure by 1900. As any researcher knows most of the sources consulted for this database are not error free. Therefore, we offer this database as guide to further research rather than as error free.
Purdue University - Indiana Farmer Newspaper
The Indiana Farmer was a monthly publication detailing news and events about and for Indiana's farming community. The Farmer gives a rare view of rural Hoosier life from 1851 to 1917.
United States » Indiana » Occupations
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