Pocahontas Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Colonists
Richmond, Virginia chapter.
Shenandoah Valley Genealogical Society
Shenandoah Valley Genealogical Society, founded in 2003, serves all genealogists researching family records in the Shenandoah Valley. This area includes counties formed from Augusta and Frederick Counties that generally hold the watershed of the Shenandoah River. These counties are Augusta, Berkeley (now WV), Clarke, Jefferson (now WV), Frederick, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Page, and Warren Counties. We will sometimes include news from five West Virginia counties that were in old Frederick County, but not in the watershed area. They are Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral, and Morgan Counties.
The Friends of Freedmen's Cemetery
History and preservation of an 1864-1869 cemetery for former slaves and their children in Alexandria, Virginia. Contains burial records of African Americans 1863-1869 as well as background and personal data on the freed people and Alexandria's black residents, in general.
The Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia, Inc
Preserves part of the original German settlement in Virginia that dates back to 1714, and connects descendants to their ancestral villages in Germany.
Virginia Baptist Historical Society
Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Owned and operated by the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia.
Richmond, Virginia chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
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