Guide as to how Roman names were derived.
From the Medieval Names Archive.
Society of Genealogists - Search pedigree index
The Society holds pedigrees for all of the surnames shown in this index. The Society maintains a splendid genealogical library and education centre in Clerkenwell in London.
Surname Studies (formerly Modern British Surnames)
Surname Studies is devoted to the resources available for the study of the distribution, incidence and statistical analysis of the surnames of Britain, mainly post-1837, and primarily as a mass phenomenon.
Surnames in Italy / L'Italia dei cognomi
By entering a surname and pressing the red arrow, a distribution map of Italy is generated showing the concentrations of that particular surname in Italy.
The Geography of surnames web site is devoted to the study of English, Scottish and Irish surnames. Surnames will be examined from a geographic perspective, focusing on their distribution, patterns and origins.
Surnames, Family Associations & Family Newsletters » General Surname Sites » Locality Specific
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