Ancestry.com - Search Stories, Memories & Histories
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Original source: Bohun, Edmund,. The diary and autobiography of Edmund Bohun, Esq. : with an introductory memoir, notes, and illustrations. Beccles England: Priv. print. by Read Crisp, 1853.
Original source: Baker, John,. The diary of John Baker, barrister of the Middle Temple, solicitor-general of the Leeward Islands : being extracts therefrom. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1931.
The diary of Orville Hickman BROWNING. : 1850-1864
Original source: Browning, Orville Hickman,. The diary of Orville Hickman Browning. : 1850-1864. Springfield, Ill.: Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1925.
Andrew BALFOUR, American Patriot of North Carolina
Information gathered by family members since 1969, our first family reunion.
Annie's Letter - A search for the Burke Family
A book by Robert Burke, for sale from Flyleaf Press in Dublin. This is the true story of a search for Burke and Collingwood ancestors based on a family letter. It is extraordinary for several reasons, not least of which is the wonderful variety of family members uncovered. Admirals, farmers, surgeons and priests; widows and
Association of BLAUVELT Descendants
Bringing together the descendants of Gerrit Hendrickszen (BLAUVELT) de blau boer, who arrived in America from Deventer, Province of Overijssel in the Netherlands in 1638.
Information about the association, its mandate, bylaws, activities, membership, and its newsletter. For descendants of the Acadian couple Jacques Bourgeois and Jeanne Trahan.
BABB Family Memorials - BABB Family History
Thomas Babb 1570 to Roger Babb 1946.
Descendents of Edward BOBET of Taunton, Massachusetts.
Descendnts of Andre Babeu who emigrated to LaPrairie, Quebec in the 1690s. BABEU, BABEUF, BABEUX, BABBIE, BABBEY, BABBY, BARBER, BARBEUX, BARBAU, BABEAU, and other variations.
Family history of the BACHMAN / BAUGHMAN Family of Pennsylvania and Ohio, descended from the Swiss immigrant George BACHMAN, d. 1753 in Coopersburg, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
BACINO Genealogy - all things BACINO and Burgio, Sicily
Family History of Don Giuseppe BACINO & Margherita Cottone of Burgio, Agrigento, Sicily (including Anzelmo, Ferrantelli, Riggio, Cottonaro, Glaviano, and Carlino).
Back-Bach Genealogical Society
In 1994, this organization created a fraudulent genealogy of the Bach (Back) family, from southeastern Kentucky. It tore the family apart. This website will explain everything, including how most of the proof of the family's actual genealogy was purposefully destroyed, in order to make way for the fraudulent one. It is incredibly sad what happened.
Descendants of Richard BADHAM in London.
All about the BAGNALL and related surnames and the history of Bagnall village, Staffordshire, UK.
Site dedicated to the history of the surname BAGNALL and the place of that name in Staffordshire, UK.
BAGUST worldwide.
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