Clan DUNCAN Online - Clan DUNCAN Society Scotland - UK
Based in the Scottish Highlands, the Clan DUNCAN Society's primary purpose is to bring together all those with the name DUNCAN and the associated names of DUNCANSON, DUNCANE, DUNKINSON, DUNCEAN, DUNKEN, DONKIN, DUNKIN and other alternate spellings; to globally unite all those with an interest in their history, heritage and ancestral roots in Scotland and unite us all as one Clan.
Coteau de France - DASPIT de Saint-Amand
The name derives from the part of Louisiana where Pierre Daspit de Saint Amand's land grant was located.
DABNEY Family of Early Virginia
Cornelius DABNEY emigrated from England to Virginia about 1660 and was the progenitor of almost all of the DABNEYs of early Virginia. Several generations of descendants are documented here.
Dabney Family of Early Virginia
Cornelius Dabney was baptized December 11, 1630 in the parish of Bucknall in Lincolnshire, England. Cornelius probably emigrated to Virginia in the 1650s, living near the Pamunkey River. He later became the official interpreter for Queen Cockacoeske of the Pamunkey Indians. Four generations of the Dabney Family of Early Virginia are now loaded to this website.
DADSWELL family history, from 1560s in Gloucestshire, UK, to present day line of Dadswells in Australia.
Daffron family history research by several people.
This site is a database of over 1,000 various spellings starting in the 1600's for the names DAFFRON, DAFFIN, DAFFORN.
DAGLISH DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
The main known branches of the Daglish family originate from County Durham and Northumberland in the United Kingdom, and most living Daglishes can trace their ancestors back to these English counties. Through the DNA project we hope to look at these different branches and compare for common ancestors.The surname directories show Daglish as a variant of Scottish names Dalglish or Dalgliesh - but so far it has been difficult to confirm this through standard family history research; we hope the DNA project might help to provide the answer.The DNA test works on the Y-chromosome which is passed down through the male line (in much the same way as surnames). The Y-chromosone is likely to remain unchanged for many generations, but occasionally the code will 'mutate' creating small differences, and this is also useful for family history. For testing we therefore need living male members of the Daglish family. There is another DNA test which follows the maternal line - but this is not directly relevant for our study.
DAHLfamily.net: DAHL Genealogy / Family History
Growing database of DAHL ancestors. Genealogy, pictures, links and more.
Find and share everything related to the DALE surname.
DALLAWAY family from the banks of the Loire to around the world. Over 2,000 names listed.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
DARLISON / DALLISON etc data and associated researchers worldwide.
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