Gardner PA to IA (Pedigree View - Ancestry.com)
Began with the birth of Samuel Gardner in 1809 and now goes from the present back to the early 1700s
Family genealogy in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and England. Includes photos of land and gravesites, cemetery records, some Shaker Census Information (1790-1870).
Searching for the parents of my Joseph [GAREAU] GROW of Ogdensburg along with other ancestors and descendants of the GAREAU surname.
Descendants of Willam and Margaret Garfat from Yorkshire England, settled in the Oshawa Ontario Canada area in 1833.
History of the Garfield family from the 1500s - today in England, America, and Australia. Containing family trees, biographies, and documents.
1637-present. From the Anglo-Saxon settlement of England to the mass immigration to the New World and the settlement of the American West.
A rather simplistic, but informative site on the descendants of James Garren and Berta Sporlinger, 1666-present.
GARRETT Family of Virginia and Kentucky.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
GARRISON DNA Project Website (FamilyTreeDNA)
Looking for MALE participants in tracing the GARRISON, GARRITSON, GERRITSEN, GARRETSON, GAIRSON, GARISON, GARRASON, and all other similar spellings of these surnames through DNA testing.
GARSTFamily.com - GARST Genealogy and Family Research Center
Extensive GARST/GERST genealogy files and pictures for download, Y2K reunion information.
Gives maps showing locations in Ireland that the names GARVEY, McGARVEY, and GARVAN appear in the Griffith valuation in mid-1800s. Also has transcriptions of all GARVEYs and McGARVEYs in 1850 US census.
Site contains current GARZOLINI & CAMPAGNOLI information as well as a family tree section.
Descendants of George GASCOYEN. GASCOIGNE family of Little Addington, Northamptonshire.
Gassiot, Gassiott, Gasiot.
GASTON Crier homepage is for anyone researching the GASTON surname.
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