Genealogy and pictures of Martin Kosanke family and descendants from Paris, Bessarabia, Ukraine.
Family history from mid nineteenth century Poland to present day Canada.
Multilingual site for research into the various families whose name is derived from the archetype surname KRAEJ
KRAUSE, HUBERTS, and MdDONALD from Cook County, Illinois, BOECKMANN from Missouri.
The purpose of this page is to share common family tree information for the surnames KRAYNAK and CRONAUER, though information is available on many other surnames. Many of the families originated in Northeastern Pennsylvania, with roots in Germany and Slovakia. The information contained in these pages spans 12 generations and over 350 years. There are over 500 surnames for nearly 2300 individuals. I hope you find some information of interest. I have made every effort to keep the names of living relatives private. Source documents are available upon request. Additions and corrections are always welcome.
Krieger Kruger en Brasil y Argentina
Familia y descendencia de Reginaldo Ignacio Krieger y de sus hermanos Kruger. Historia de sus padres Johann Friedrich Kruger y Karoline Koch. Sud Am
KRISTON family from Hungary and spreading throughout the world.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Descendants of Jan (Wolter) KROEZEN and Agnes Fergusont. To trace the family ancestry, locate relatives worldwide, and compile the Australian KROEZEN family tree.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Searching for descendants of Dirck Pietersz CRUIJT, present in Winkel Westfriesland since 1611. Surnames: CRUIJT, KRUIJT and KRUIT.
KRUSE Family from Germany Homepage
KRUSE from the towns of Viezen, Reinstorf, Klein Belitz and Neukirchen near Buetzow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany. Related surnames: KOPPELMANN, SCHROEDER, JUERSS, JENNING, PAPENHAGEN, GODEMANN, FICK, ADRIAN, BRUHN, BULLER and more.
KUENZLE Family - Descendants of A. von Bruehwil KUENZLE
Family genealogy site featuring the Kuenzle's from Gossau and the Leuenberger's from Ursenbach.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
KUHN/KOON/KUHNS/COON/COONCE/COUNCE/COONTZ etc. Genealogy in Pennsylvania & Maryland
Pennsylvania and Frederick Co., Maryland area.
Family history of Kump starting with Wilhelm Kumpf of Berks County, PA, who fought for George Washington in the Revolutionary War.
Family history of KUMP starting with Wilhelm KUMPF of Berks County, Pennsylvania, who fought for George Washington in the Revolutionary War.
Henry and George KUMPAKISKE/KUMPAKSZKE-SCHULTZ coming to USA in 1903.
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