Descended from Richard and Priscilla (Kent) Van Princen (sp?) STOUT of New Jersey.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
STOUTs from the English and German lines.
STOVER / STOBER Genealogy Page
Ancestors and Descendants of Johan Valentin Stober/Stover (1692-1741) with emphasis on the Stover families of Centre County, PA.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
STOVER, STAUFFER family in Pennsylvania.
Strasser Family Ancestry - Clay F. Strasser and Emily Blackburn
Strasser ancestry site is dedicated to the Strasser surname. We are researching the Strasser family in Indiana, with key names being, Gibson, Frye, Bishop, Zimmerman, Irelan, Warvel. Also the Strasser (Strawser, Strausser, Strascher ...) of Pennsylvania with key names being, Shaeffer, Straub, and Stragern.
Story of Abigail Stratton, who was born 1779 in Williamstown, Massachusetts, resided for a time in Rutland County, Vermont, married Abraham Morey, and died in Licking County, Ohio in 1842.
STRAUB / STRAUBE / STROOP / STRUB: Four Germanic Surnames with Similar Variations
Over 1,000 family group sheets of Germanic surnames STRAUB, STRAUBE, STRUB and STROOP, including their many variations, such as, STROUP, STROUPE, STROPE, STROOPE, STRUP, etc. Includes extractions of all census records from 1790-1850 in all states (years 1860-1880 soon to be completed, and years 1900-1930 underway). Scope is worldwide and all timeframes.
Family history information for descendants and other relatives of John STRAWBRIGE, born northern Ireland ca. 1715, died Cecil County, Maryland, 1768, including photographs, articles, letters, and family tree. Surnames include Maffitt, Ledyard, Welsh, Sailer, Van Sise, Gilpin, Stokes, Lowber, West.
Information complied from public and persona; contacts. From information obtained from the web and genealogy groups and sites. I have created this family for my own personal use. Willam our founding father and his Son Lenard and Lenard s Son Lenard and Lenard's Son Jacob and Jacob's Son Daniel and Daniel's son George and George's son Rueben and Rueben's Son George E. and George E's Son George E. Jr. and George E Jr.s Son George E. III.
Descendants of Wilhelm/Willem STREYPERS and Mary/Mercken WILLEMSEN LUCKEN.
STREETER, BRISTOW in England, Canada, Wisconsin.
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STREICHER Web Central in South Africa.
Dedicated to Johannes Striebel and his descendants.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Connecting the Stringer families of Sussex from Henry VIII to George III, including surname variations.
STRINGHAM family, originally the TRINGHAMs.
The Strobel families of southern Indiana, German ancestors, downloads.
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