Tennessee Civil War Veterans' Questionnaires
From the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications : Soldiers and Widows
From the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
Franklin County, New York.
The Civil War Civil War Pensions, Widows and Orphans | C-SPAN
Shenandoah University Civil War Institute Director, Jonathan Nealis talks about how veterans and widows apply for pensions and the ways that states and military organizations provided for orphans after the war.
Information on how to request copies of older (pre-WWI) military service records from the series held at NARA in Washington, D.C. Those include the following. Volunteers: Military service performed by persons serving during an emergency and whose service was considered to be in the Federal interest, 1775 - 1902. Regular Army: Enlisted personnel, 1789 - October 31, 1912; Officers, 1789 - June 30, 1917. Navy: Enlisted personnel, 1798 - 1885; Officers, 1798 - 1902. Marine Corps: Enlisted personnel, 1798 - 1904; Some officers, 1798 - 1895. Coast Guard: Persons who served in predecessor agencies to the U.S. Coast Guard: the Revenue Cutter Service (Revenue Marine), the Life-Saving Service, and the Lighthouse Service, 1791 - 1919. Confederate States: Persons who rendered military service for the Confederate States government in its armed forces, 1861 - 1865. Veterans Records: Claims files for pensions based on Federal military service, 1775 - 1916 and bounty land warrant application files relating to claims based on wartime service, 1775 - 1855.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration - Order Online!
Request reproductions of Federal Military Pension Application Files from the National Archives.
Requesting Copies of Older (pre-WWI) Military Service Records.
United Confederate Veterans Association Records
Descriptioin of records from the Lousiana State University Libraries' Special Collections.
United States Civil War Service and Pension Records
Scanned image examples.
United States, Remarried Widows Index to Pension Applications, 1887-1942
From FamilySearch.org. This collection consists of two card indexes to widows who had applied for a pension renewal. The first covers service between1812-1860 and is NARA microfilm publication M1784. The second covers service in the Civil War and later and is NARA microfilm publication M1785. Both indexes are part of RG 15 Records of the Veterans Administration. The files are located at the National Archives.
US GenWeb Archives Civil War Pension Project
Transcriptions of pension related materials.
Ebook listing Civil War pensioners.
Ebook listing Civil War pensioners.
Ebook listing Civil War pensioners.
Ebook listing Civil War pensioners.
Ebook listing Civil War pensioners.
Wagonmasters Serving the Union During the Civil War
From The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
United States » U.S. Military: Civil War » Records: Military, Pension, Burial, Casualties
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