Genealogie of the family (DE) JERPHANION Haute Loire France
Genealogie van de families Dornez - Durnez - Dournez, aanverwanten en afgeleiden
Genealogisch onderzoek van deze families. Genealogy of the families Dornez - Durnez - Dournez, relatives and derivatives.
Genealogy - George DUTCHER and Sarah Maria MASE Descendants
From New York.
Genealogy in Dutch and English (Nederlands/Engels).
de MUNCK Belgium.
Pieter Willemsz DE RIJK (1614-1682 Cockengen, Netherlands).
Genealogy of Francis DAVIDSON and Martha P.
Francis DAVIDSON was born in 1839 in Buchanan County, Iowa.
Genealogy of Phillip Dillard and Rachel
Genealogy of Phillip Dillard and Rachel of North Carolina.
Genealogy of the family van DORT
Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Belgium, U.S., Canada, Australia.
GenealogyMagazine.com - A Texas Oil Dynasty: The Family Tree of Cullen Davis
Some speculate the television series 'Dallas' had its inspiration in a true Texas saga of oil, money and scandal. 'Dallas' first premiered as a five-part mini-series on the heels of the shocking, headline-making events surrounding T. Cullen DAVIS, one of the three sons of the founder of a Fort Worth oil empire. Mark Gribben goes as far to say that Cullen Davis was 'the model for the villainous J.R. Ewing.' Davis, who holds a degree in engineering, shares kinship to three American inventors: Eli WHITNEY, Samuel MORSE and Charles GOODYEAR.
Geneology - HMDS Jack D. Davis, Metalsmith (semi-retired)
"Samuel Davis of Oxford and Joseph Davis of Dudley And Their Descendants" published in 1884 by George L. Davis. This complete book in HTML format free to download here. All 610 pages hyper-linked with added pages from an old history book about the Puritans, and more.
The official online home of genealogical research related to the early Douglas settlers of the state of Georgia.
History of the DUNHAM-DONHAM Family in America
Descendants of Deacon John DUNHAM, born about 1589, died 2 March 1668/69 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Home Page of Ray DOWNING - DOWNING Family of Downingtown, PA
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Homepage of the DILLOW Family of Southwestern Virginia
Descendants of Abram DILLOW, Jr. DILLOW, STEELE, CASSADY, and HALL.
Family History and Genealogical Research of the DOW family of Massachusetts, Maine, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Washington, California, beginning with Joseph Dow b. 1709 MA. List of 190 linked PDF files containing my family history.
informazioni e genealogia del cognome Davini - info and genealogy of the Davini surname
Storia, informazioni e genealogia del cognome Davini nel mondo (History, info and genealogy of Davini surname in the world)
Iowa Research, DISNEY Family, Guthrie County, Iowa
William DISNEY, probably from England, was transported to America in 1677. He and his second wife, Mary, had thirteen children, 1686-1717. Also includes descendants of several other DISNEYs who have come at various times from England and Ireland. Some DISNEYs in the book spelled their surname DIZNEY.
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