Loughrey, Loughry, Loughery, Laughery, Laughrey, Loghry and Loghrey. Descendants of James Loughrey, Sr., who was born between 1729 and 1732 in Northern Ireland.
Lounsbury, Lounsbery & variants in Canada & U.S. Includes many issues of 'The Lounsbury Tree'.
Family in Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio (USA), Ontario (Canada), Belgium, France and Holland from 1220 till today.
Data from the author's LOVEGROVE One-Name Study (registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies), statistics, links, personal pages, queries, etc.
Primarily concentrating on LOVELL, LOVEL, LOVAL(L) and LOVIL(L) in the London area. Extensive database with almost all 19th century families in the London area identified. Many of the families in London originated elsewhere.
LOVETT/LOVITT (all areas, all lines), James, Richardson, McDonald, McDaniel. Includes census and other records for the Lovett surname.
Dedicated to the LOWARY, LOWERY, LOWREY, LOWRY, LOUGHRY names and any other spelling variations.
LOWBRIDGE Surname Research Center
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
LOWE Surname Boards including Low, Loe, Lau, Lough & Louw for Queries, Obits., Bible Records, Wills, Deeds, etc.
LOWERY family history beginning with George Washington LOWERY, born 1836 in Georgia.
Research centers on that branch of the Lowerys who migrated into and settled in the state of Alabama.
A story of Peter LUBY, resident of St. Louis, Missouri from the late 1800s and lists descendants of Peter LUBY down through three generations.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
LUCAS families of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Luce Family Genealogy Families Allied with the Luce Family
My name is Thomas Robert Luce of Bethel, Ohio. I am a descendent of Eleazer Luce, the son and 5th child of Henry and Remember (Litchfield) Luce of Martha's Vineyard, Mass. I am one of the five co-compilers of the following five volumes on our Luce Family: Martha F. McCourt, Thomas R. Luce, Robert L. Massard, Catherine M. Mayhew, and Alan Lee Williams, The American Descendants of Henry Luce of Martha's Vineyard. 5 vols. (Vancouver, Wash.: M.J.F. McCourt, 1994-99). Distributed by The New England Historic Genealogical Society of Boston, MA.
LUCE Surname DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
This project is for all males with surname LUCE, LUSE, or other variations. Most persons of this surname, tracing back to the 17th century in America, find they are descended from HENRY LUCE and wife REMEMBER LITCHFIELD of Martha
LUCEY and LUCY Genealogy in Australia
Thousands of other Irish names included.
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